About the Argan farm
of the Ben-Yosef family
About Us

In the Ben Yosef farm located in Moshav Kfar Harif, an Israeli start-up began in 2010!
With a strong desire to continue the agricultural path of our parents (who in the past grew fruit orchards and had chicken coops) and in search of a challenge for original Israeli production, we looked for an idea for a crop that does not require much water and does not require much care and supervision. On the recommendation of agronomists and experts in the field, we chose an intriguing and innovative crop - the "argan tree".
Argan tree is a desert tree that grows wildly and naturally in the deserts of Morocco, from which argan oil, known as "Moroccan oil", is extracted for all its virtues. Our challenge was to locate it in Israel and we did! In an orchard that covers an area of 43 dunams, about 2,200 seedlings were planted that were specially prepared for growing in the Land of Israel.
Over time, it became clear that the assumption that the tree "grows by itself" is inaccurate and that a lot of investment and a lot of learning is required to allow it to adapt and "convert" to growing the Land of Israel. Step by step by trial and error, after 5 challenging years, we were able to see the beautiful first fruits on the trees.
But this was only the start of the story… In Morocco, the collection of fruit and the production of oil from the argan nut was done in an old-fashioned and manual way, and it was clear to us that we wanted to innovate and adapt the production method to the 21st century. Many attempts have been made and many hours of thinking and creativity have been invested in research and development in an attempt to extract the oil in a clean way using renewable technology to crack the nut and produce oil.
Today we produce 100% pure and high-quality argan oil, which is all Israeli-made– "Israeli oil" under the name ARGAN-IL. All stages of growth and production of the oil are performed with advanced and natural methods, while maintaining a high level of quality and cleanliness, in order to maintain the special properties of the oil.

Argan oil is considered one of the best natural oils in the world due to its richness in vitamins and fatty acids that are essential for the renewal and care of hair and skin. The oil is rich in vitamin E, omega 3, 6, 9 which helps maintain the health of the body and strengthen hair roots, maintain moisture and softness of the skin and face, as well as a natural anti-aging product e.
As an integral part of the work and vision of the preservation and development of Israeli agriculture, it was of course important for us to combine the preservation of the environment and contribution to the community. The project involved the payment of children with special needs from the Shekel organization who assisted in the process of sorting the nuts, as well as volunteers from pre-military preparatory schools who assisted with regular work in the orchard as part of community activities and assistance to Israeli agriculture.
In the process of branding the oil, the members of the Ben Yosef family, all partners in this unique venture, raised the importance of the "conversion" of the oil recognized in the country as Moroccan oil, the name ARGAN-IL was chosen out of a desire to highlight Israeli pride and desire to distribute it as an original Israeli product, and this time nicknamed as "Israeli Argan Oil".